Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How Inspherio Helps Everyone In The Event Industry

Organized to the point of crazy, inexplicable love of lists, smoothly moving from Plan A to Plan B without anyone noticing, working until every request is complete, taking simple ideas and turning them into a beautiful and grand outcome? You must be an event planner. (Or, you know, a bookkeeper, publicist, chef, motivational speaker, shoulder to cry on, alterationist, table setter, stand in, or anything else your client might need last minute.)

You keep a notebook and pencil on you at all times so you never let an idea or thought slip through the cracks. Oh, It’s the glamorous world you always imagined. Once you see the sparkle in your clients eye and the smile on their face, it does, in fact, quickly become that glamorous world you always imagined.

Anyone that has joined the ranks of the event industry knows that it is fast paced and demanding, set with deadlines, plenty of communication with more than one person at a time, sticky notes galore, and a lot of patience. Event professionals, why not make your life easier? Why not scrap the sticky notes, the pencil and paper, and all of the programs you use to get one thing done? Inspherio is the premier business management solution for all professionals in the Event Industry. This all-inclusive program will provide you with every tool needed to manage and expand your business from any location with the convenience of your tablet or smartphone.

Meticulously designed by event professionals, for event professionals, Inspherio has streamlined the business management process from start to finish for everyone in the field. Our hope is to eliminate the overwhelming stress that comes with planning an event by making sure the event stays on track at every stage of the planning process. From initial planning to the execution of an event, Inspherio incorporates every marketing and business management tool an event professional could need, and because it’s web-based, these tools are available wherever the user has an internet connection.

Whether it’s your first day in the event industry, or you’re on the brink of success, or even successfully planning several events a week, this all-in-one program is for you, your employees, your business, and your peace of mind. Keep that smile on your clients face and that sparkle in their eye, try the best event technology out there.

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